Hi, I'm Roy. Welcome to my portfolio!

I'm a recent graduate from NYU with a degree in computer science and data science. My passion lies in machine learning and statistical modeling and I'm always looking further expand my knowledge in those fields.

I'm open to exciting opportunities that will allow me to apply my skills and contribute to innovative projects. To learn more about my background, check out my resume and feel free to reach out to me!


Where I've Worked
Data Scientist @ BNY Mellon
  • Incoming August 2023
Web Scraping Specialist @ Octavate
  • Collaborated with the data analytics team to identify new data sources and develop automated data scraping applications.
  • Cleaned, processed, and analyzed the data to communicate patterns and insights to stakeholders.
Software Developer Intern @ Instinet
  • Aided in the development of an application that could connect to the company's trading platforms as a client and send orders, execute trades, or receive market data.
  • Consolidated testing between legacy and modern FIX-based trading platforms.
  • Collaborated with senior members of the team under Agile software development principles to complete work in two-week sprints.
Research Intern @ Sagerize
  • Analyzed the Common Data Set of over 120 colleges and universities around the United States and evaluated the factors that were the most important in admissions.
  • Compiled data for over 60 college essays and resumes written by users of the platform.


Options Price Forecasting

Deep learning models for predicting option prices.

Poverty Prediction ADS Audit

Accuracy and fairness analysis of an automated decision system for predicting poverty level.

Competitiveness of Local Government Pay

Analysis of local government pay using big data tools and technologies.

Fingertip Position Estimations

Convolutional neural network to estimate the positions of each fingertip on a robotic hand.

IMDb Webscraper

Webscraper to collect data from IMDb's Top 1000 movies.

Predicitve High School Admissions

Analysis of the factors relevant for admissions to a specialized high school.


Feel free to reach out!